
Current dark souls save editor pc
Current dark souls save editor pc

10k soul is in sens fortress in the area where you find logan originally. I could get max level in 30mins casually just doing this straight with 20k soul pack found from where you fight seath the first time to get the firekeeper soul key/logan quest. TIP³: You can for example have 5 items in your inventory then drop them 1 at a time on the ground and then when you have 1 left do the glitch then pick them up 1 at a time and do the glitch repeatedly to speed up getting max level. You can then keep getting 1 more item from the box and do the glitch again. TIP☭o the 3rd video on souls and humanity then use the bottomless box to put all except 1 item away since doing the 999 use glitch uses all of that item in your inventory.

current dark souls save editor pc

TIP: From a NG get 3k souls then buy 999 wood arrows and do 999 use glitch on a soul pack, buy the bottomless box + etc I recommend using 75% UI scale so you can see the menu behind the quit game box a bit easier I found it hard to find anything about these glitches and since the game isnt updating anytime soon its safe to put this here

current dark souls save editor pc

First 3 videos are not mine, the last 3 are mine and are there in case something happens to the original videos.

Current dark souls save editor pc